Guidelines for Teaching “Right Words”

A Relational Approach to Writing
Pages: 251


These Guidelines show parents and others who teach with Right Words: The Grace of Writing how to make the most effective use of this curriculum. The Guidelines contain clear instructions and essential information gleaned from many years of experience in using this writing curriculum to successfully teach hundreds of home-schooled children.

As Right Words explains, each child and adult has a unique perspective that gives him something to say that others need to hear. When you learn to write, you begin a personal exploration to discover and learn to express these gifts. In working with Right Words, we have found that small, informal writing workshops—consisting of close friends or, for home schoolers, family members—provide the best context for encouraging new writers to take their first, often awkward, steps into the written word. As each workshop member offers their writings and hears the comments of friends and family members, not only do writing skills develop, but relationships also deepen.

Guidelines for Teaching “Right Words” shows you how to set up and conduct such writing workshops with your children or your friends. Even if you only use Right Words by yourself, you’ll find the dozens of writing exercises these Guidelines include, and the many writing examples, invaluable for advancing writing skills.


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Blair Adams is a minister, author, artist, father and grandfather from central Texas. In 1973, Blair founded the Christian community now known as Homestead Heritage, a flourishing intentional agrarian community that has now spawned several more expressions across the U.S. and around the world. Drawing from his personal experience and decades of research, Blair has authored scores of books mostly directed towards the restoration of an authentic Christian culture. His works span a breadth of related topics, including education, history, religion, and family and community life. (Read more about Blair Adams)