What Kind of Family?

Innovative Myths, Traditional Religion and the Art of Human Relationships
Pages: 423


This book is not “breezy.” It is thorough in what it addresses. And it deals with substantive problems and questions that lie at the heart of issues of human relationship that can in turn make or break individuals, marriages, families, communities and whole cultures. So it delves deeply into issues that many would simply rather leave unexamined.


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Blair Adams is a minister, author, artist, father and grandfather from central Texas. In 1973, Blair founded the Christian community now known as Homestead Heritage, a flourishing intentional agrarian community that has now spawned several more expressions across the U.S. and around the world. Drawing from his personal experience and decades of research, Blair has authored scores of books mostly directed towards the restoration of an authentic Christian culture. His works span a breadth of related topics, including education, history, religion, and family and community life. (Read more about Blair Adams)