The Minister’s Dialectical Handbook of Theology and Doctrine: On The Holy Spirit

Substantive Answers for Serious Seekers
Pages: 365


Few passages in Scripture have elicited as much controversy as the second chapter of the book of Acts.  Conflicting theories and perspectives abound even amongst those who claim to have had the same powerful experience with the Holy Spirit as the apostles did at Pentecost. On the Holy Spirit offers comprehensive answers to over a hundred questions on this subject of central importance to professing Christians and the church. What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Is it essential to salvation? What is the evidence of having received the Spirit? Will every believer experience the Spirit in the same way? Going beyond mere concepts and doggedly avoiding theological abstractions, this book illuminates the passageway into a powerful and life-changing encounter with God. Revealing the infilling of the Holy Spirit as much more than just a one-time experience, this book is for serious seekers desiring to enter into an ongoing and living relationship with God―one capable of unifying His people and advancing His kingdom on the earth.


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Blair Adams is a minister, author, artist, father and grandfather from central Texas. In 1973, Blair founded the Christian community now known as Homestead Heritage, a flourishing intentional agrarian community that has now spawned several more expressions across the U.S. and around the world. Drawing from his personal experience and decades of research, Blair has authored scores of books mostly directed towards the restoration of an authentic Christian culture. His works span a breadth of related topics, including education, history, religion, and family and community life. (Read more about Blair Adams)