Portrait of a Community

The History and Roots of Homestead Heritage - A Brief Survey
Pages: 65


This sketch of a small agricultural community in rural Texas briefly recounts a journey of discovery so remarkable that it became an exodus. The story begins in the slums of New York City’s Hell’s Kitchen in 1973. It continues with a step-by-step transformation of city dwellers into a people of the land, an unfolding process that gradually encompassed all areas of life. These many steps of transformation finally came together in a mosaic that formed an entirely different cultural alternative. In the course of its journey, the community revived its roots in the 500-year-old Anabaptist tradition, developing sustainable agricultural and craft skills that they now teach to thousands of others. One recent visitor said, “This is a place where ordinary people working together do extraordinary things very well.” Some only dream of such a life, but this is a story to inspire “ordinary people” everywhere to believe that their dreams can become a reality, too.


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Blair Adams is a minister, author, artist, father and grandfather from central Texas. In 1973, Blair founded the Christian community now known as Homestead Heritage, a flourishing intentional agrarian community that has now spawned several more expressions across the U.S. and around the world. Drawing from his personal experience and decades of research, Blair has authored scores of books mostly directed towards the restoration of an authentic Christian culture. His works span a breadth of related topics, including education, history, religion, and family and community life. (Read more about Blair Adams)